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November is Men's Health Month

10 Women who Invented

B.S. "inventions"

They were all invented by Americans


Lighting rod

An early and famous example of a metal stove is the Franklin stove, said to have been invented by Benjamin Franklin in 1742.

He discovered lightning is electricity and invented the lightning rod.


2 Fig Newtons A machine invented in 1891 made the mass production of Fig Newtons possible. Charles M. Roser was a cookie maker born in Ohio. He won fame for creating the Fig Newton recipe before selling it to the Kennedy Biscuit Works (later called Nabisco).
3 Escalators in 1892, Jesse W. Reno patented the “Endless Conveyor or Elevator." He also produced the first working escalator — he called it an “inclined elevator" — and installed it along the Old Iron Pier at Coney Island in New York City in 1896.
4 Ball point pens A retractable ballpoint pen assemblage (Schneider K15). Inventor. John Loud (patent). Inception, 1888.  Harvard educated lawyer
A ballpoint pen , also known as a biro or ball pen, is a pen that dispenses ink (usually in paste ... The first patent for a ballpoint pen was issued on 30 October 1888 to John J. Loud, who was attempting to make a writing ..
5 Vaseline

Robert Chesebrough patented the process of making petroleum jelly (U.S. Patent 127,568) in 1872 in New York. By 1874, stores were selling over 1400 jars of Vaseline a day. Chesebrough's success stemmed from firm belief in his product. Before he began selling petroleum jelly, he tested it on his own cuts and burns.
(German) Vase =water + (Greek)
έλαιον = olive oil

They were all invented by Americans.

1) Lightning Rods: Benjamin Franklin in 1742 discovered lightning is electricity and invented the lightning rod.

2) Fig Newtons: Charles M. Roser was a cookie maker born in Ohio. He invented a machine in 1891 made to mass production of Fig Newtons.

3) Escalators: Jesse W. Reno patented the “Endless Conveyor or Elevator" in 1892. He installed his “inclined elevator" at Coney Island in New York City in 1896.

4) Ball Point Pens: John Loud, a Harvard educated lawyer, patented the retractable ballpoint pen assemblage in 1888. Harvard educated lawyer

5) Vaseline: Robert Chesebrough invented Vaseline in 1872 in New York.

From movie: Cherry 2000


Sadly men also have the highest suicide rates.
White men are under attack.  Blacks are falsely claiming a black invented the light bulb.
So, to counteract this, we discuss some of the inventions of men that are used in our daily lives.

Claims that blacks invented these 10 things
Lydia O'Newman is white and "invented" the brush years after William Kent

Claims that women invented these 50 things


Deborah Del Debbio:
Happy Men Appreciation Month. 
Welcome to a typical house in a typical town in the middle of the USA
at 1 Shaddock Street, Fairfield, Iowa

Men have invented most things we use.   We will cover 234 items.
Things we use on a daily basis. Of course the Wright Brothers invented the airplane, but we don't fly every day.
Albert Einstein invented atomic energy, but not everyone uses it.

We will use the home of Rick Shaddock, MA Education from Maharishi University
He is researching for a his PhD in the field of Men Studies
switching his major from Women Studies

Rick Shaddock:
Yes, I enjoyed studying women and their struggle for equal rights,
but men have done a lot more interesting things, like inventing 90% of things.
Equal pay for equal inventions
We are talking about ground breaking major inventions, and you will see, mostly by white men.
These are all checked out, mostly through Wikipedia as the official named inventor.
If it turns out that more white men have invented things, that is not a judgment about the worth of non-whites or women.
Of course, there are ladies and non-whites who have invented things, and we mention them.
Some people are trying to stoke racial tension by saying whites "stole" inventions from blacks.
and women are the real inventors.  I would agree women complain to men to invent something.
But the men actually invent things.
But look at the links, mostly to Wikipedia, and decide for yourself. 
Email me with any corrections. Lies make war.  Truth makes peace.
(Rick will speak about controversial inventions in grey)

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