Mileva "Mitza Maric Einstein
Feminists claim that she was "the real brains behind Einstein
and his theories"
But she did not get good enough grades to graduate
She did not speak for him at Princeton classes, science conferences, or with
other physicists.

"Maric's academic career was disrupted in May 1901 on a short holiday in Italy
when she became pregnant by Einstein. When three months pregnant, she resat
the diploma examination, but failed for the second time without improving her
grade.[7] She discontinued work on her diploma dissertation"
She then took care of their children.
Albert published his Theory of Relativity in 1905
"Albert Einstein’s first wife Mileva (Mitza) Marić was also a brilliant
physicist. They met at the Polytechnic Institute of Zurich, where she
had fought for special permissions to attend and where she received
higher marks than Albert.
Mitza put in as much if not more work on their theories but wasn’t
credited because Albert told her their works wouldn’t get published with
a woman’s name on them.
Many of his lecture notes are in Mitza’s handwriting, and Albert was
once heard at a party saying, “I need my wife, she helps solve all of my
mathematical problems.” 80% of Einstein’s famous works were published
during this marriage, referred to as his “magic years.” Those magic
years ended abruptly after they divorced due to his infidelity and
Happy Women’s History Month to the
genius of the Einstein family, Mileva Marić
Bogus theory